The arrangement of multiple Virtual UGens is not a true combination but a fusion, because the original evanescent VUGs are melted away.

However, sometimes the threaded code of the classic UGen is useful, in particular to get a faster compilation of DSP, a reduced use of the memory and a minor stress for the gc.

We can reuse a compiled Virtual UGen. The syntax of COMPILE-VUG is:

(compile-vug name-or-vug return-type &optional force-p)

for example:

(in-package :scratch)

SCRATCH> (set-rt-block-size 1)

SCRATCH> (rt-start)

SCRATCH> (compile-vug 'envelope 'sample)

SCRATCH> (vug 'envelope)

SCRATCH> (ugen 'envelope)

Now, when we use ENVELOPE inside the definition of a DSP (or UGEN because we can also use nested UGENs), for example

(dsp! ugen-test (freq amp atk rel)
  (stereo (* (envelope (make-perc atk rel) 1 1 #'free)
             (osc *sine-table* freq amp))))

SCRATCH> (ugen-test 440 .3 .01 .5)

the generated code uses the UGEN called ENVELOPE and not the VUG with the same name.

COMPILE-VUG works with VUGs but not with VUG-MACROs, because a VUG-MACRO is like many VUGs in one. Have no fear, it isn't a problem, we can define a UGEN with the macro DEFINE-UGEN. The syntax is

(define-ugen name return-type lambda-list &body body)

It is similar to DEFINE-VUG but with a new argument RETURN-TYPE. For example:

(define-ugen oscili sample (amp cps (buf buffer))
  "A simple oscillator with linear interpolation."
  (osc buf cps amp 0 :linear))

(dsp! ugen-test2 (freq amp atk rel)
  (stereo (* (envelope (make-perc atk rel) 1 1 #'free)
             (oscili amp freq *sine-table*))))

SCRATCH> (ugen-test2 440 .3 .01 .5)

where UGEN-TEST2 is defined with the two UGENs ENVELOPE and OSCILI. The following example shows the use of nested UGENs:

(define-ugen perc-sine sample (freq amp atk rel)
  (* (envelope (make-perc atk rel) 1 1 #'free)
     (oscili amp freq *sine-table*)))

(dsp! ugen-test3 (freq amp atk rel)
  (stereo (perc-sine freq amp atk rel)))

SCRATCH> (ugen-test3 440 .3 .01 .5)

Ok, habemus UGens, but where are the VUGs ENVELOPE and OSCILI ?

After the creation of a UGEN, a VUG comes into play when the related UGEN is inlined. For example, we can define a UGEN called PERC-SINE* with the VUGs ENVELOPE and OSCILI:

(define-ugen perc-sine* sample (freq amp atk rel)
  (declare (inline envelope oscili))
  (* (envelope (make-perc atk rel) 1 1 #'free)
     (oscili amp freq *sine-table*)))

(dsp! ugen-test4 (freq amp atk rel)
  (stereo (perc-sine* freq amp atk rel)))

SCRATCH> (ugen-test4 440 .3 .01 .5)

It is necessary to think before to use a UGEN instead of a VUG. For example, the UGEN PAN2

(compile-vug 'pan2 'sample)

(dsp! pan2-ugen-bug (freq amp pos)
    (cout (pan2 (oscili amp freq *sine-table*) pos))))

         ;; Ops, the frequency is 880 instead of 440 !?
SCRATCH> (pan2-ugen-bug 440 .3 .5)

SCRATCH> (free 0)

doesn't work with the current implementation of PAN2 (branching based on CURRENT-CHANNEL) because a UGEN is a rigid object and it is not ductile like a VUG. It works only when it is a VUG, because in this case the input (VUG or UGEN) is merged inside the VUG. When PAN2 is a UGEN, the input is computed for any channel before to require the output of PAN2. It appears complicated but it's genuinely logic. So, some possible alternatives to fix the prior example are:

(dsp! pan-test1 (freq amp pos)
  (declare (inline pan2))
    (cout (pan2 (oscili amp freq *sine-table*) pos))))

SCRATCH> (pan-test1 440 .3 .5)

SCRATCH> (free 0)

(define-ugen my-pan2 frame (in pos)
  "Stereo equal power panpot."
  (with-samples ((alpha (* +half-pi+ pos)))
    (samples (* in (cos alpha)) (* in (sin alpha)))))

(dsp! pan-test2 (freq amp pos)
  (multiple-sample-bind (l r)
      (my-pan2 (oscili amp freq *sine-table*) pos)
    (out l r)))

SCRATCH> (pan-test2 440 .3 .5)

SCRATCH> (free 0)

Finally, we can see all the defined UGENs with ALL-UGEN-NAMES:

SCRATCH> (all-ugen-names)

After the cancellation of a UGEN by using DESTROY-UGEN, the related VUG is still alive:

SCRATCH> (destroy-ugen 'envelope)
SCRATCH> (ugen 'envelope)
SCRATCH> (vug 'envelope)
SCRATCH> (compiled-vug-p 'envelope)

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