VUGLET is a macro to define local VUG's within a definition of a DSP, VUG or UGEN. For example:

;; Necessary if you compile a cudo file, otherwise sharp-t is
;; in the current readtable after INIT.

(dsp! vuglet-test (freq amp)
  (vuglet ((osc (freq amp)
             (* amp (sin (* (phasor freq 0) +twopi+))))
           (fm (fcar fmod amp (k fixnum))
             (osc (+ fcar (osc fmod (* fcar (/ k)))) amp))
           (lp (in)
             (* 0.5 (+ in (delay1 in))))
           (lp4 (in) #4t(lp in)))
    (with-samples ((f1 freq)
                   (f2 (- 15000 f1))
                   (g (* amp .5)))
      (out (+ (lp (fm f1 111 g 8)) (lp4 (fm f2 70 g 18)))))))

We can notice:

The local VUG's are expanded and merged when they are used; the unused virtual ugens are ignored (all the VUG's are used in the example).

If you check the generated code by using DSP-DEBUG, or ‘C-c i d’ at the start of ‘(dsp! …’ if you're using Emacs+SLIME and incudine-mode (for example insert 440 .3 after ‘dsp args:’ at Emacs' minibuffer), the local VUG's are melted away. The result is cons-free and really efficient (tested on x86_64 with SBCL 1.3.6).

Local functions with the same code of the example have a different behavior because if we have x calls to a function, the internal state of that function changes x times. On the contrary, if we use a VUG x times, the VUG is expanded/merged x times. It's because I have used VUGLET instead of LABELS in the example.

For completeness, here are the same local virtual ugens within the definition of a UGEN:

(define-ugen suono sample (freq amp)
  (vuglet ((osc (freq amp)
             (* amp (sin (* (phasor freq 0) +twopi+))))
           (fm (fcar fmod amp (k fixnum))
             (osc (+ fcar (osc fmod (* fcar (/ k)))) amp))
           (lp (in)
             (* 0.5 (+ in (delay1 in))))
           (lp4 (in) #4t(lp in)))
    (with-samples ((f1 freq)
                   (f2 (- 15000 f1))
                   (g (* amp .5)))
      (+ (lp (fm f1 111 g 8)) (lp4 (fm f2 70 g 18))))))

(dsp! sonica ((pch single-float) gain)
  (with-samples ((freq (pch->cps pch))
                 (amp (db->linear gain)))
    (stereo (+ (suono freq amp)
               (suono (* freq 8) (* amp .2))))))

SCRATCH> (rt-start)

SCRATCH> (sonica 7.09 -12 :id #xBADA)

SCRATCH> (set-control #xBADA :pch 8.02)
SCRATCH> (set-control #xBADA :pch 8.11)
SCRATCH> (set-control #xBADA :pch 9.09)

SCRATCH> (free #xBADA)

Note: the generated performance function of SONICA is a simple

      (INCF (AUDIO-OUT 0)
             (SETF #:IN584 (+ (INCUDINE.VUG::UGEN-RUN #:UGEN580 SAMPLE)
                              (INCUDINE.VUG::UGEN-RUN #:UGEN582 SAMPLE)))

because we're using a UGEN called SUONO. Besides, #:IN584 is of type SAMPLE, therefore COERCE is removed during the compilation.

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