Instantaneous retrig and gate modulation with ENVELOPE |
The envelope is re-triggered if the difference between the gate of the current audio cycle and the gate of the previous audio cycle is a positive value. Example:
(in-package :scratch) (dsp! frrr (amp gate) (stereo (* (envelope (make-adsr .2 .1 .5 1) gate 1 #'identity) (white-noise amp)))) (defun retrig (node) (incf (control-value node 'gate)) (values)) SCRATCH> (set-rt-block-size 1) SCRATCH> (rt-start) SCRATCH> (frrr .3 1 :id 42) SCRATCH> (set-control 42 :gate 1) ; ignored because (- gate prev-gate) is zero SCRATCH> (retrig 42) ; retrig because (- gate prev-gate) is one SCRATCH> (retrig 42) ; idem SCRATCH> (set-control 42 :gate 0) ; close SCRATCH> (retrig 42) ; open SCRATCH> (set-control 42 :gate 0) SCRATCH> (free 42)
The following example shows a simple modulation of the gate:
(dsp! explosions (gain gate-base gate-freq) (stereo (* (tanh (* (envelope (make-adsr .001 3 .05 .8) (+ gate-base (if (< (phasor gate-freq 0) .5) 1 0)) 1 #'identity) (butter-lp (bpf (fractal-noise .5 2.3) 150 .1) 8000))) (db->linear gain)))) ;; attack decay sustain (retrig) attack decay sustain (retrig) ... SCRATCH> (explosions -10 1 1/6 :id #xF35) ;; attack decay release (retrig) attack decay release (retrig) ... SCRATCH> (set-control #xF35 :gate-base 0) ;; attack decay (retrig) attack decay (retrig) ... SCRATCH> (set-control #xF35 :gate-freq 1/2) ;; no attack, no decay SCRATCH> (stop #xF35)
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