Default values for VUG, UGEN and DSP |
Incudine follows the SBCL VOP
style for optional
VUG spec's: each spec is a list beginning with a keyword
indicating the interpretation of the other forms in the spec.
spec is not necessary, the body
after the specs is the body of the VUG/UGEN/DSP.
The optional :DEFAULTS
spec is used to provide the
default values for VUG & co. The related functions (or macros)
are defined with DEFUN*
therefore the arguments are optional keywords.
A minimal example:
(in-package :scratch) (define-vug buzz* (freq amp (nh fixnum)) (:defaults 110 .3 (+ 1 (random 10))) (buzz freq amp nh)) (define-vug-macro sine* (freq amp) (:defaults 440 .3) `(sine ,freq ,amp 0)) (define-ugen resonz* sample (in fcut q) (:defaults 0 2000 100) (resonz in fcut q)) (dsp! habemus-defaults (amp (nh fixnum) res) (:defaults .3 20 3.9) (vuglet ((lp (in fcut res) (:defaults 0 1000 0) (moogff in fcut res nil)) (hp (in fcut) (:defaults 0 8000) (butter-hp in fcut)) (noise () (white-noise amp))) (out (+ (lp (noise) :res res) (hp (noise)) (resonz* (noise))) (+ (buzz* :nh nh) (sine* :amp amp))))) SCRATCH> (rt-start) SCRATCH> (habemus-defaults)
also works with DSP-DEBUG
(funcall (dsp-debug foo (amp) (:defaults .3) (out (white-noise amp)))) (with-open-file (f "/tmp/dsp-debug.cudo" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (funcall (dsp-debug foo (amp) (:defaults .3) (out (white-noise amp))) :debug-stream f))
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